Baronial Officers

The Officers of the Barony of Wealdsmere are comprised of the hard working local volunteers from within the SCA that dedicate their time to making sure our Barony runs smoothly.   Please remember as an organization run entirely by volunteers response times may be slower than the average business.

To become an officer of the Barony, candidates must be active members of the SCA (with a membership number) and submit a written letter of intent and a brief SCA experience résumé to the Seneschal with a cc to the Baron and Baroness. After that, it is left to a poll of the current officers at the following council meeting. If accepted, a Baronial Officer must be able to attend the Baronial Council meetings every second (2nd) Tuesday of each month.

Baronial offices are two year terms with an option to renew for two more.

Great Offices are mandatory and required by SCA bylaws. Secondary offices may be created as necessary to provide oversight in specific areas of interest or responsibility.

The required Great Offices for a barony are:

Seneschal, Exchequer, Herald, Arts & Sciences, Chatelaine, Marshal and Chronicler

Other offices may be filled as need or interest arises but are not required.


Richenda du jardin 

The Seneschal is the chief administrative officer and the legal representative of the Barony of Wealdsmere. They chair the meetings, take and compile other officers reports, fulfill offices that are currently vacant, sign the contracts and forms, and ensure the legal functioning of the branch.


Pompeia Rufina

The Exchequer serves as the Minister of the Treasury and is responsible for the collection and disbursement of funds.



The Chatelaine is in charge of greeting and helping newcomers. The Chatelaine may be the first person you call to get information about the branch or about the SCA and he or she will be able to help you connect with the appropriate officer in charge of your areas of interest, or may line you up with a member who excels in the topic that is close to your heart.

The Chatelaine may or may not have a “Gold Key” deputy who is in charge of loaner garb/costumes for newcomers.


Ceawlin Silvertongue

The Marshal is in charge of heavy (rattan) fighting within the branch. They must be at least a junior marshal and are in charge of the local fighters practice. The Marshal makes sure that armor is up to standard and that fighting is safe.


The position of Chronicler for the Barony of Wealdsmere is now open and accepting applications!

Please email an SCA resume and letter of interest to the Chronicler at

Please also CC and Their Excellencies at and


The Chronicler serves as the branch secretary, aiding Wealdsmere by taking minutes at the council meeting, as well as publishing The Wealdsmere Watch, our Baronial newsletter. They also serve as the branch historian.


Sa’ada al-Arjawania

The Branch Herald for Wealdsmere is called the Three Oaks Pursuivant. He or she supervises field and voice heraldry and helps with the submission of names and devices. The Herald shall foster heraldic activity within the Barony.

Arts and Sciences

Alexandre de Sant Roma de Sau (Roma) 

The Arts and Sciences are all the crafts, skills, and technologies practiced in the time period and cultures that the SCA covers. If you know what you might be interested in, the A&S officer can help put you together with others in the branch who share that interest. Perhaps you have a skill in the modern world or an interest that can be “translated” into the medieval world. The A&S officer is responsible for scheduling classes and workshop days on at least a monthly basis; working with Event Stewards to organize A&S activities at events and generally promote the arts & sciences within the branch.

Deputies: The Seneschal and Exchequer are the only offices required to have deputies, however, every officer can have deputies and volunteering is a great way to learn about the office and see if it’s something you might like to do when it next comes open. Deputies are appointed at will by the officer and generally manage tasks that have been delegated to them by their officer. This work not only helps the officers focus on other duties, it also prepares these volunteers for future service on the Baronial Council if that is their wish.

Not required offices:

Web Minister (Deputy to the Chronicler)

Arnóra Grimsdottir

The Web Minister develops and maintains the Barony’s website as well as dealing with the Barony’s technical needs.  They are also responsible for maintaining the barony social media accounts.

Archery Marshal

Will Fletcher

Responsible for coordinating Archery activities within the branch. This officer makes sure that protection is up to standard and that archery competitions and activities are conducted safely.

Rapier Marshal

‘Izza al-Dimashqiyya

The deputy to the Master of Stables in charge of rapier fighting within the branch. He or she must be a junior marshal of fencing; the Master of Sword makes sure that protection is up to standard and that rapier or sword fighting is safe.